13-15 NOVEMBER, Röda Sten Konsthall, 1 Röda Sten
Levande musik i samarbete med Röda Sten presenterar tre konceptuella ljudverk som rör sig i gränslandet mellan performance och ljudkonst.
Röda Stens Konsthall i kombination med verkens utformning möjliggör att besökare kan röra sig i rummet, omslutna av verken, med distans till andra lyssnare. I samarbete med Röda Stens restaurang tar vi fram ett koncept för förtäring i Konsthallen inom ramen för de rekommendationer som gäller från FHM.
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LEVANDE MUSIK at Röda Sten Konsthall. Lene Grenager will perform a solo as ending to the first part of the regional project Klangbotten, Jennifer Torrence will do a first ever performance of a new piece from Johan Jutterström, Stine Janvin Motland will fake syntheziser sounds with her amazing voice, Chris Porcarelli and Magnus Haglund perform their soundessay, Elena Wolay is deejaying and Marble Fauns performs in the café until 24.00. A short film documentation will be screened in the lobby with a presentation of when the Klangbotten-project visited Skövde and Borås Artmuseum, the artcollective Not Quite and artschool Gerlesborgsskolan.

Stine Janvin Motland - voice
Berlinbased singer Stine Janvin Motland, born in Stavanger, works within the field of experimental music, sound and audiovisual performances. In several different projects, such as In Labour, the performative installation The Subjective Frequency Transduce , adjusted fieldrecordings in Native Instruments and as her alter ego, Stine II, she explores and challange the physical bounderies of the human voice, the accoustics of the intenal/external surroundings and new strategies for the performing art. .Fake Synthetic Music is an anti-glorification of the voice, an exercise and a game that challange our perception of real and artificial.

Lene Grenager - cello
Lene Grenager (1969) grew up in Halden and studied cello and composition at the Norges Musikkhøgskole. She´s been working professionally since 1995 as both a celloplayer and a composer, writing music for the Oslo Filharmonien, Cikada, Bit 20, Trondheim Sinfonietta, Trondheim Symfoniorkester, Alpaca, Ensemble Zwischentöne and Duo Ego. Her music have been performed at the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, Novembermusik, Sound of Stockholm, Ilios and Kalvfestivalen. As a celloplayer shes mainly focused on improvisation, together with the quartet SPUNK and Lemur and in duo with Sofia Jernberg.
Grenager is interested in how different ways of notating music effects the musicians.